I accidentally made a chatbot that only suggests Groundhog Day

Years ago I made a chatbot on Facebook. I never got past a proof of concept. However, a published chatbot on Facebook seems to never dies.

Like really, I am not sure how to turn it off. It was a no-code solution Facebook Messenger Bot that I prototyped (Using ChatFuel) with a node based lineage tree with hardcoded suggestions for Movies Genres like Action, Comedy, Horror, e.g.

I hit a wall when I didn't want to pay a subscription fee to get the features I wanted. So when the free trial ended I assumed the bot would no longer be published and couldn't be discovered. I'd go on my merry way.

I was wrong.

Even when you search for Movie Bot today many other examples show up. I have no clue how people still are discovering my bot and somehow still trying to use it. About once a week I get a ping on my phone to notify me someone chatted with MovieBot.

I actually have no idea how to turn off these notifiations. They have been pinging me about once a week for the past 4 years. I find it hilarious every time.

Anyways. When a User starts a conversation with this Bot, the bot asks what genre of movie would they like to watch. Whether they say Comedy, Horror, Romantic; the response is hardcoded every time.

User: Horror.
MovieBot: Let's find some laughs!

Given that, there is a list of movies and images that will load. The two movies I loaded into the proof of concept? Groundhog Day and How to Train your Dragon. What shows to the user every time? You guess it.