I spent my childhood on a virtual jetski

For one simple reason. Jet Moto.

No really. This game so much defined my early years of gaming on the PlayStation with my siblings; racing through beaches and swamps to only get absolutely wrecked by another racer. No amount of map knowledge can save you in this game. Unless you fatality into the same wall over and over again, then you probably need to study up on your map knowledge.

Off topic, but look at this Character Selection screen.

Mark Corri is one of the true legends of Jet Moto.

You just have to love that it's the first game in the series and the lore of Jet Moto being so deep that there's already legends among us. Step aside Jessie West, legends never die.

Twenty Characters and three tracks are available at the beginning of the game, with seven more tracks unlockable by winning tournaments; this game was absolutely packed with content to keep you racing for a long time. If I remember correctly, one track was a floating city.

Honestly, the greatest part about this game is that blatant, in your face ad placement and billboards spread through the tracks. Jet Moto is a racing league, and a league is nothing without it's sponsors. What's a great sponsor for a racing game for young adults? Soda and Candy. mhm... Butterfinger.

None of what I am writing here is suppose to be a review for this game. I just wanted to write about it cause I loved it and if you haven't played it, just go ahead and find a way to play it. <3 Jet Moto.

Edit: I asked my brother what he remembered from Jet Moto.

Of course he remembered it. Cause this game is amazing.

2021 Update

I've been playing Jet Moto 2 on my psvita. Still amazing. Speed is always better on a Jet Ski.