I am wasting time, productively

Note: Blog Post from Previous Site

Alright, here's the thing. I spend a lot of time just looking at Reddit. Like a lot of time. It might be an addiction to be honest. For the record, I think my most visited sub-reddits include /r/movies and /r/hearthstone . But come on, they are great communities.

Overall, I felt like a lot of my time browsing Reddit wasn't productive, obviously. As most of the time I wouldn't have spent learning, or reading up on interesting technologies or products; it'd be how to counter the current Meta decks of Hearthstone. (Jade Druid is evil).

So what I've done in the past week, to both incite a change and hopefully find more motivation to reach out and build my own product; I have totally replaced what I would normally spend on Reddit, onto other sites that I tend to find more interesting topics to study, and hopefully gain knowledge about.

So really I am just writing today to let you know if you haven't made it a daily chore to check out Hacker News, Indie Hackers, and Product Hunt; you should start doing that. Really, all the linked sites are just a catalog of interesting products and attempts of creating businesses. There's both success stories to strive for, and horrible car crashes of applications to learn from. I can definitely tell you in the past week I've put a lot more effort into planning out products and ideas than ever before. I enjoy striving to build something people will love to use; and the first step should always be gathering motivation.


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